so it has been a really really long time since this has been updated. many things have changed since our last post, probably too much to type about. however, one very big thing is that Zander is now potty trained (minus last week at the cabin. things didn't go so well there.) we spent the last week up north at the cabin where we celebrated Zander's 3rd birthday on July 21st. He got a new Bike! he couldn't wait to get back to grandma and grandpa's house to show his best friends (ethan, sophie, drew, & russell) his new bike. russell used to have the fastest bike, but i think zander's will be the new envied bike to ride. hopefully he takes turns letting his friends try out his new bike. on zander's birthday z, gpa, and i went fishing. zander caught 3 shark! we didn't get to stay out very long bc he thought the boat was "dunking". he only likes being on boats if they are moving...hopefully that changes. zander also averaged around 6 outfits a day while at the cabin, thank goodness we have a washer and dryer.