the bed turned into a jungle gym

i love you zander brighton

my favorite person in the whole world.

being silly

so funny


wrestling match

Me in a headlock

Zander and I had such a FUN afternoon yesterday. We went to lunch at Joe Sensor's with auntie ally. We watched some football and played Zander's favorite game, Buck Hunter. He was very well behaved. Then we dropped ally off and went back to our apt to hangout. We were playing cars and reading books and then Z heard something. It was "CrEePy cRaWleeS" (it was actually Punky under the bed). Zander protected us from them by being a wolf and growling at them when we heard them. It was too funny. When Punky finally came out from under the bed Zander was soo surprised..and relieved. He could finally leave the bed. And of course, we had to wrestle. I am honestly sore today from our wrestling match. I am starting to get a little concerned about how I am going to feel in a couple years after our wrestling matches....I don't foresee him 'taking it easy on mom'.
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