saturday was zander/mommy day. we started the day by baking brownies. mmmm so good! then zander's friend Teagan came over while us mommies talked. they had been together about 5 min. and we heard giggling. we found them covered up sitting in bed just giggling away. it was to cute. teagan follows zander around like a puppy dog and does whatever he does. after that zander and i went to the mankato mall to find him some new sandals for this summer and for something to do. we went to Barnes & Noble and read a book about sharks and a book about reptiles- zander's favorite things to learn about lately. we went to target, got a bag of popcorn, and walked around the store looking at all the new spring toys. next we hit up scheels to look for some Keen sandals- which i highly recommend, esp for little boys. this is the only shoe that can handle the ware and tare of zander! his last pair last two years and the only reason we need new ones is because he outgrew them. they are in near perfect condition. this year he chose the green/camo ones. lastly, we hit up the play place. we came home, had dinner, played, and went to bed early!