Monday, March 22, 2010

blah blah blog

well, that pretty much sums up this blog for the past, oh YEAR! i love reading blogs. i read all my sisters blogs, friends & families blogs, even random blogs. but i always feel like no one really reads my blog anyways so there really isn't a point. but who cares?! SO, i am going to try much harder at updating my blog! i was chatting with a friend of mine (his name is Victor) about his blog. he is from sweden, and is currently living there now. he golfed at the u of m, which is where i met him. his blog is about his journey as a professional golfer- and one of my favorite to read. i find it quite interesting because i don't know much about golf, and people who don't golf much often think of it as a "lazy" sport. it definitely is not. he trains everyday and is always trying to better himself. check it out for yourself:

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